
TicketStage Demo Theater

Our live demo makes it easy for your theater to experience online ticketing and fully evaluate TicketStage. You can setup your own demo show and performances at our demo venues and make these performances available for online ticketing. Your members and patrons can then experience ordering tickets online for your demo show. Your box office people can try out the TicketStage Box Office, booking mail and managing seat availability, viewing instant reports, and experiencing how they can manage your theater’s ticketing operation using TicketStage.

Patron Demo

Once a patron has visited a Theater’s website and clicked the link to order tickets, the patron will be requested to select the performance he wishes to order tickets for.

You can order both member and non-member tickets. For each member ticket, select “Membership” payment method and enter a dummy name and telephone # in the member information field.

To complete a ticket order cycle you must enter all the information requested. We suggest you enter dummy information for all fields except the email and credit card # fields. For the email field be sure to enter your real email address so you will receive a confirmation email for each order you enter. For credit card #’s, the first 5 characters you enter must be MMCIS (in caps) followed by a few numbers of your choice. Do not use real credit card or personal information since this information might be viewed by other people using the box office demo (before we get a chance to clean up).

Your ticket orders will be entered into the demo system and the seats you ordered immediately made unavailable. You can check this by entering a new order and noting the status of the seats you ordered in your previous order.

Feel free to enter as many orders as you would like.

Box Office Access

Please fill out the following form so we can better understand how TicketStage might satisfy your needs. All information is confidential. Fields with brown prompt are required.

ZIP/Postal Code
Organization email
I would like to access your box office demo
Average # shows/season
Average # performances/show
Our performances are
What percentage of seats are bought by membership or subscription
Typical ticket prices
List venues where you perform with seating capacities
How did you hear about TicketStage?